Dear friends,
The next and final installment of my novella series, “Now I Sleep” is slated to be published by the end of this month. I’m sorry to say, that’s just not going to happen.

Phew! There! I said it!
Honestly? I’ve been dreading telling those that have faithfully been following the series, that they were going to have to wait a little longer to find out the fate of Sadie, Gabe, Levi and company. I didn’t want to have to come out and admit defeat – I just haven’t had the time to edit this story properly. Yeah, yeah, I could give multiple reasons why I’m missing my deadline, however, I’m not sure you really want to hear anything from me other than the date it will be coming out! This, I can tell you, will be October! I’m not going to venture out and give an exact date, so as not to disappoint once more. But I assure you, another month should be plenty of time for me to get things lined up to finish this series.
Here’s why I feel so strongly that I take the extra time to edit. I’m passionate about this series. Of course, all authors are passionate about what they’ve written. But this is the final novella, the very last sliver of this fantasy world that you will read about, and I don’t want you to walk away feeling like it lacked anything. I want to be sure that I’ve edited it as much as needed and that it was the best work that I could possibly produce. I feel that I owe it to the characters and their story, and I feel that I owe it to you, the readers.

So, there. It’s coming. Just late. I hope you can forgive me and will be pleased with the final product, once you have it in hand! Until that time, read a new release, re-read an old favorite or find a book you can share with someone else.
Happy Reading, friends!