Well, it’s officially November – Time for NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month! I’ve been back and forth on whether to actually dive in with writing a brand new novel or not, when I have others I want to edit and pursue getting published. But I finally decided it doesn’t need to be an either / or decision – I’m going to participate by finishing a novel I’ve already written! 🙂

A novel I wrote over a year ago – and had returned to editing a few months back – needs more editing, and I love the idea of NaNoWriMo being the catalyst to motivate me to that end! Here’s to a (hopefully) fruitful month in editing and getting this story finished!

What about you? Are you joining in the NaNoWriMo challenge? Writing something new, or finishing something already started? I’d love to hear how you plan to attack this brand new month!
Happy Reading (and writing!), friends!