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The New and the Old

So apparently when you have a blog, you’re supposed to update it. Yes, yes, I get that I’ve slacked lately, and I can’t wait to tell you why! Here’s the skinny on all that’s going on both past and present!

My writing:

The biggest news is, I’m so close to finishing my newest novel, Orphan Princess – a middle grade medieval fantasy adventure! I’ve been writing this since July – which is me!, since it normally only takes a couple months for me to kick out a rough draft. This is the first full length novel I’ve written in the ‘Pantsing‘ mode, so I’ve had a few detours happen – specifically with plotting. (It’s hard to plot when you’re pantsing!) The good news is, I think I’ve found my rhythm and I ended up doing my first major revision before the manuscript was even finished! I expect to be done with the rough draft in the next week – at which time my first revision will be done, too! Backwards, but it works somehow. I will do a separate blog post about this book at a later date. Stay tuned!

As for the other scripts I have noted as ‘In revision’, I plan to get those done in early 2016, so I can move on to other projects. Yay!


My learning:

I had the opportunity to attend the Keystone Writers Conference in early November, with Keynote speaker Mike Dellosso. It was a fantastic day and I learned lots and lots! The big connection I made was having the opportunity to meet with Joyce Hart from Hartline Literary Agency. She passed my name along to her associate, who has since requested to see a portion of Orphan Princess! Only time will tell if this book is picked up on my very first try! No matter what, God is in control. 

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My growing:

I’m also super excited to be part of two regular writers groups now. I have the opportunity to meet with Scribes Oasis on a weekly basis, and Re:Create Art Initiative Poetry group once a month. This is the best suggestion I can make to other writers – get involved in regular writing or critique groups! It has made all the difference in my writing and I feel so supported and encouraged on days when I just want to give up!

I’m also super proud to boast that I met my writing goal for the seventh month so far this year! And I’ve hit four months for editing! Be prepared to see the ACFW badges on the page change to eight and five, at the end of this month – I plan to go out with a bang! Once more, the accountability for my writing and editing has been priceless and I so appreciate Joy Avery Melville and all of the other writers that are part of the group, that lift me up in prayer each day. God is good! 


What else is new?

Well, our family is still on track to move to HI in May of 2016! Please continue to pray for us that we will be brave and follow God’s lead, even when we don’t see the answers right in front of us!

I plan to get at least a few more blog posts in before this year is over. And stay tuned for one more giveaway from Caffeinated Fiction! Woo hoo!

What about you? What’s new with you? How has your writing changed over the past few months? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below! Feel free to leave an update!

Happy reading, friends!

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