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Book Review: A TIME TO RISE by Nadine Brandes

Here it is! My official review of “A Time to Rise” by Nadine Brandes, the final book in the “Out of Time” series! It releases THIS FRIDAY! So read on to hear all about it, and then get your running shoes on so you can run to the bookstore and buy it!

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What more can you sacrifice than your life?

Parvin Blackwater is dead.

At least…that’s what the Council—and the world—thinks. But her sacrifice tore down part of the Wall long enough to stir up hope and rebellion in the people. Now she will rise again. Strong, free, and fearless.

Parvin and Solomon must uncover the mysterious clues that Jude left behind in order to destroy the projected Wall once and for all. Meanwhile, the Council schemes to new levels of technology in its attempts to keep the people contained. Can a one-handed Radical and a scarred ex-Enforcer really bring shalom to the world?

The Review:

Nadine Brandes has outdone herself in this final installment of the “Out of Time” series! “A Time to Rise” gets a solid 5 out of 5 star rating and is as strongly written as both “A Time to Die” and “A Time to Speak.” Congratulations to Nadine for another fantastic YA dystopian book of Faith that is an inspiration to us all!

When the book opens, Parvin is thought to be dead by everyone–including herself! But God works in mysterious ways and soon she finds herself back in ‘the game’, ready and willing to follow God’s lead as she faces Skelley Chase and the rest of the council. Once again we see a shift and deepening in her faith in God, and once again I was encouraged by the peace that she feels in even the most dire situation. Parvin Blackwater may be a fictional character, but she is definitely a beautiful example of what it is to walk in faith. Time and again she does the exact opposite of what my instinct would tell me to do. She trusts God to fulfill His purpose and shows grace to others when they don’t deserve it. She is one fictional character I truly wish I could meet someday!

Solomon. Yes, he is back and yes their romance continues from where the previous story left off. I won’t spoil it for you, but I will mention how pleased I was to really “see” Solomon in this book. In the past installments he was Parvin’s helper or sidekick, but in this book he truly came into his own. I saw him as so much more than just ‘the perfect Christian boy’ and appreciated his flaws as much as his strengths. He was real.

The other players. Yes, we do see a return of the rest of the “Out of Time” cast. Nadine did a fantastic job of incorporating each separate story and character that we’ve come to know, into this plot, but not in a way that felt forced or unnecessary. Closure for each character felt natural. Yes, there were a few twists thrown in I didn’t see coming, but each character reacted in a way that was unique and believable. Nadine is excellent at linking your heartstrings to even the most unlikable character. I found myself rooting for the ‘bad guys’ just as much as the ‘good ones!’

The end. There’s not much more I can say without giving away massive spoilers. But I will say this story gives a conclusion to all the loose ends left from book 2. We see what becomes of the Council, The Preacher, the albinos, and the rest of Parvin’s people behind the eastern wall. No, not everything turns out perfectly for everyone, but it does end in a believable way that leaves no questions. I personally didn’t see the end coming and was surprised, which is always a plus for a fantastic series like this one!

Well done, Nadine! Congratulations and I hope everyone loves this series as much as I did!!

Have you read the “Out of Time” series yet? If not, I can’t encourage you enough to do so! You can catch my book reviews for “A Time to Die” and “A Time to Speak”, if you’d like to check it out first. I promise you won’t be disappointed!!

Happy reading, friends!

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